Who you hang out with matters .

 Who you talk to matters. 

Who you invest time into matters. 

How often do we hang out with the wrong people, pour 

our whole into the wrong people? I sure as heck am guilty of that. I poured from my cup into cups that had holes in them. Of course they looked the same as my cup, so I didn’t know it had a hole. But as I poured, everything I poured into them fell out of the cup through the hole. Could they fix the hole? Of course!! Jesus is the only one who can do that for us. He can fix the holes in us. He can make us whole. A big mistake I have made in my life is trying to get people to change . I always thought that if I was there , I could do it. But that’s where I was mistaken. Let’s go back to the book of Genesis . Satan was a snake because of his own rebellion and hatred out of jealousy. But as he got to Adam and Eve, he corrupted them. They couldn’t change him. He still led Adam and Eve astray. So in today’s world, if a snake comes up to you, it would bite you. You can’t squat and pet it in hopes it won’t bite you. Because that’s not how it works. We will face people in our lives who will be snakes. They will be those people who you can ask and beg for them to change and they will still bite you. As we know, a snakes bite is quite venomous, and can deeply harm someone.  1 Corinthians 15:33 warns us . Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” This alone tells us that who we hang out can affect who we are. If we aren’t strong  in Christ, it can corrupt us. It can change us for the worse. Another scripture I found was in proverbs. (13:20) Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. For so long, I thought the company I had was good. But as time came along and hardships along with it, God showed me that they were only wolves in sheep’s clothing( Matthew 7:15). I know this isn’t scripture, but one of my favorite sayings  is “ if they want to they will.” And it’s absolutely true in a manner. I asked God to remove those who held no purpose in my life. I asked him that if they were the snakes in my life who were corrupting my character to remove them. And over time, that’s what he did. And BOY did I hurt. I knew that they were hurting me, but I couldn’t let go. I have issues letting people go even when it’s past their expiration dates . I know God lets people into our lives for a reason, a season and a lifetime, but I have been terrible at figuring out which is which.  But the God I serve has cleaned out my friend’s lists. Sure it’s short , but I know that the company I have now is not company that will corrupt me . From experience, I just want all of you to be cautious as to who you let into your inner circle. It matters. I get it, it can be hard, but in the end, you will find nothing but peace. I am at peace with myself. My goal in life is to bring others to God, to be the positive influence they need. I hope this will encourage all of you to rethink your friend’s list. Are they giving you peace or are they the reason as to why you don’t have peace ? The enemy loves chaos. I’m not saying don’t try to help others, God calls us to be there for one another, but be careful. Don’t pour your everything in things and people who have holes in their cups. Your time here on earth is so valuable, so don’t waste your energy on things that won’t help you become a better human. We should aim to be more like Christ rather than the things of this world. The title “friend” holds no meaning if they are the ones tearing you down. Just because you were friends for so many years doesn’t mean anything if they are no good for you. Even milk can sour and after a while it will start to smell. Digesting it after it’s reached that point can make a person sick. Break it before it breaks you. You need to have people who will go to war with you, not flee when the trials attack. Make sure they are who they say they are. You will only figure that out if you ask God to show their true intentions. 


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