The fear of.. failure
May 2021 - this is the month that I've become an author. No, like legitimately, y'all. Apple, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.
Ever since I was young, I've loved to both read and write. It was a dream that I found to be far fetched. When asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, a writer was not typically something that I shared with people. At a young age, my responses were cute: a model, a singer, or a princess. To me, those seemed like more realistic options than writing my life away. So, I kept it to myself. Later in life, as I started realizing that the real world wouldn't be easy, so I set my sights on the more reputable careers, like becoming a teacher or a nurse. Oh, and not just that, both careers were more obtainable for a nobody from the woods of Louisiana. Sure, to this day, I would HAPPILY take a career in any of those fields. But writing is what genuinely made my heart happy (until writers block hit).
But do you want to know what really stopped me from pursuing my childhood dream of becoming a writer? Stop and think about it. What is stopping YOU from fulfilling whatever dream it is that you've yet to even touch? The fear of failure maybe? And honestly, it's probably got your dreams sitting in a dark closet in the back corner of your mind, being forgotten about. That’s how it was for me. Until one day, I was writing a piece... realizing how much I still enjoyed writing.
When I think of what God has got in store for my life, writing is just a pastime.