You know how the first episode of every television show ever is named “Pilot”? I actually didn’t know that for a while. It kind of threw me off because typically the title of an episode relates to the episode’s content in some form or fashion. In my head, I thought, “Where does a pilot play into all of this?” We’re just going to pretend that I’ve gone through this life-altering change that has made me smarter though, for your sake. The “Pilot” episode is just a metaphor for the show taking off. So yeah, that’s what we’re going to call this first blog.
Quite frankly, diaries are overrated. But, as my boyfriend has been deployed, it’s made me realize what a loser I am for not having any friends. That means that this blog is my new venting space. Luckily, my life has more drama than Keeping Up With The Kardashians. And since their show has come to an end, I imagine you’ll need something to consume your time. I have a rather LARGE family, so anyone reading this should be fairly entertained. Or not. I’m actually a little boring. But blogs are cooler than diaries, so I’m not too much of a loser.
Writing this has made me realize why I start writing projects and never actually finish them. I get bored easily. I’ve already had like three or four breaks writing this small piece *slaps forehead with palm*. I’m done for today. I need a nap. I’ll update you again soon, if I haven’t scared you off.
-XOXO, Gossip Girl
Kidding, I’m not that interesting yet.